Receiving 1099 form and reporting it to IRS is not an
uncommon thing. 1099 form is used to report various incomes other than wages,
salaries and tips for which form W2 is used.
1099 forms are given to individual contractors for services rendered by
them to small businesses. Businesses provide a 1099 form only if the individual
contractor has earned an income of $600 and above. If not, then no 1099 form is
required. However there are various 1099 forms for different purposes. Below is
the description provided for 4 types of 1099 forms:
Form 1099 Misc - The Form 1099-MISC is used to report
miscellaneous income for individuals and companies who have been paid $600 or
more in non-employee service payments during a calendar year. In other words,
Form 1099 Misc is usually given to independent contractors such as attorneys,
freelancers, health care service, performers, rent and etc who have provided
their services to the company and in return have received compensation of $600
and above. 1099 forms are issued by the
government to ensure that no income is gone unnoticed and hence is reported to
the IRS for income tax purposes. Form 1099 Misc has to be given by the business
to the payee by January 31 2012
and it also has to be reported to the IRS by April 2nd 2012 , if you are filing
Form 1099 K – A New 1099 form which is debuting from
2012 onwards is FORM 1099-K which is used to report merchant card and third
party network payments. The form is required for reporting payment
transactions. Payment transaction is
when a payment card (credit card) is used to make a payment or any settlement
through a third party payment network such as e-bay, pay pal and etc. Thus,
people who have a pay pal account, credit card account or any such similar
account will receive 1099 K at the end of the year. Businesses would have to
report 1099-K form only if they have gross receipts of $20,000 and above or 200
and above transactions. is the first company to go live with the
e filing software for 1099 K forms.
Form 1099 Div – Form 1099 DIV ‘dividends and
distributions’ is the official form which is used to report all taxable capital
gains and dividends paid to an investor, including those that
have been re-invested in a given taxation year. The amounts stated on the
1099 DIV form represent the amounts that fund companies are attributing to each
investor's investment return for the year and reporting to the IRS. Investors
use Form 1099-DIV to help report income received from investments on their tax
return each year. Get more information
on 1099- Div at

The next filing season for 1099forms starts January 1st
2012 . Businesses have to ensure that they provide the correct and
required 1099 forms to the contractors/payee by January 31st 2012 . Businesses also have to
efile 1099 forms with the IRS compulsorily. The filing deadline for paper
filers is Feb 28th 2012
and for electronic filers is April 2nd
2012 .
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is associates with
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